Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year

Photo credit: Kabir Bakie

Happy New Year Like Minds friends! 

First of all, I want to thank everyone who's taken the Like Minds adventure with me.  Thank you for being such a supportive community.  Your comments and reviews have really overwhelmed me. Thank you.

I hope 2015 has been as exciting for you as it has been for me. Publishing and marketing a book has been quite an experience.  It's a roller coaster taking me to places and doing things I've never done before. While all that is quite exciting, I haven't focused as much on writing.  The cardinal sin of authors.  I do occasionally drop a flash fiction entry over at my writing blog Disruptive Thinking but I'm talking about book writing, more specifically sequel writing.  You know, the story that comes after Like Minds. Yes! there is one in the works.

I'm not a big fan of New Years Resolutions, but setting goals can really help get stuff done. So my goal this year is to get the sequel to an editor before the end of the year.  With a job and family it's a tall order, but I'm already several chapters in, so. . ..

Here's to the New Year and a new story!
